Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lunch at Chilli's

Yesterday, I went to Midvalley Megamall with a friend. Actually, we wanted to go and see a movie together but there were too many people since it was a public holiday - Maulidur Rasul. So, we cancelled on the plan and headed to Chilli's for quite an early lunch @ 12.00 noon. Lunch was great and the service, as usual was excellent.
But there was an "exciting" moment when we saw a young man walking towards a table, just opposite ours, with a young girl. At first, I didn't quite realize who is he. But, on the second look... ahhh... Datuk K's son - I think the boy is his third son. His "girlfriend" is not very cute though. Too bad...
The point why I raised this in my blog is because of the current headliners in newspapers reporting on Datuk K allegedly beat up one of his son's friend. I'm not quite sure whether it is the same son whom I met at Chilli's or not. Quite surprising when I read about this in a newspaper. Never thought that Datuk K is such a violent person, or could it be just a false claim? Nobody knows until this matter is brought into court. The truth shall set him free..... or not free... ;)

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