Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Missing Boy

I'm sure most of us have read in newspapers and heard it on TV about the missing of a boy while his father was at the changing room at Sogo, KL. Yesterday, after missing for about 2 weeks, finally a Myanmar couple had reunited the boy with his parents again. According to the couple, the boy was found trying to cross the road and the lady had sort of rescued him from being knocked by a car while trying to cross. Surprisingly, she also claimed that her husband and her didn't know anything about the media raving exposure on the boy been missing. No TV at home - that's what she claimed.
Today, after receiving comments from many parties, the police had arrested the Myanmar couple for possible criminal offence relating to the boy's missing adventure. It was thought that the couple had detained the boy and intended or had already used the boy for begging purposes. They even shaved the boy's head bald. There were also no signs of chicken pox disease from the boy's body as claimed by the Myanmar lady. So, the police need to crack the case to find out the actual story.
But the thing I want to raise here is about the parents attitude towards their responsibility of taking care of the kids. Of course, since I don't have any kids YET, it's easy for me to condemn. But I have experiences taking care of my three nephews, which are not EASY at all. If you've been to the shopping malls, hypermarkets, there would be a number of announcements of missing kids. These parents are too absorbed with their shopping spree trips until they totally ignore their kids. They just let the kids to be out of their sight, within the shopping arena, thinking that, where else could they go. Geez... these people should not be a PARENT!!
And, just now, I watched news on TV and saw a statement by the boy's father confessing that they will be more careful with their children, after all that had happened. Stupid!!!!! Luckily the boy is still alive. Otherwise, it would be the most expensive lesson of PARENTING.
Actually, when they media raved about this, I didn't feel sorry for the parents at all though I was hoping that the boy is saved by someone. I think it's high time that PARENTS should be more aware on their children whereabouts and do not take things for granted.
By right, not only the Myanmar couple should be convicted with the alleged offence, the parents SHOULD also be convicted for being IRRESPONSIBLE towards own flesh and blood. Maybe, others would learn a lesson from this case.

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